Artist Statement

The Sculptural Dialogue of Attention, Listening, and the Human Condition

In this body of work, I explore the complex interplay between attention, listening, and the often messy dynamics of parent-child relationships. Trained in Italy, my form-based sculptures and paintings aim to capture the raw essence of shock that awakens attention at its most basic of human nature. I hope that interaction with these forms invites introspection and reflection upon the essence of our most human desire. The desire to be seen.

The pieces reflect the intricate dance of the parent-child bond, marked by emotional highs and lows. These experiences, etched into the fabric of our lives, shape how we perceive love. My work delves into these emotional landscapes, transforming them into art that tells the silent stories of personal resilience, growth, and reaction.

The reaction of attention is captured via the reductionist outcome of bearist essentials of what is needed. They challenge viewers to consider how true listening involves aligning the senses and refining perception to foster a deep focus of state. The work speaks to the reality that attention, as depicted here, is an act of presence. I attempt to show how the parent-child relationship influences something universally relatable leveraging the need to be seen and power in one form.

As you engage with these pieces, I invite you to reflect on your experiences. Can you see your emotional journeys mirrored in these forms? How do your timelines of love, attention, and power, resonate with the shapes before you?

  • Can you see your emotional journeys mirrored in these forms?

  • How do your timelines of love, attention, and power, resonate with the shapes before you?

  • Was anyone listening?

Sold works

The following pieces have been sold.


Date: 2001

Material: Gray Italian Marble

Title: At Attention

Size: 26 x 24 x 16 inches

Sold: Private collection. Monte Carlo


Date: 2001

Material: White Italian Marble

Title: Untitled

Size: 22 x 16 x 14 inches

Sold: Private collection. Monte Carlo

At Attention.

Date: 2001

Material: Italian White Marble

Title: At Attention

Size: 24 x 14 x 5 inches

Sold: Private collection. Monte Carlo