Color Field Paintings as healing tools?

The Interplay of Color and Meditation in My Artistic Practice

Introducing Myself

Hello, Akron, Ohio! I’m Michael Clingerman, a new artist in your vibrant community specializing in color field painting. With a deep-rooted passion for art and a rich background in meditation, my work explores the serene and transformative power of color.

Color Field Painting: A Meditation in Motion

Color field painting, with its vast expanses of color and immersive qualities, offers a unique avenue for expressing the depths of human emotion and consciousness. My approach to color field painting is deeply influenced by my meditation practice. Each brushstroke is an act of mindfulness, a moment of presence where the boundaries between artist and medium dissolve.

In my large-scale paintings, I use color as a visual element and a language of the soul. The hues and shades are chosen intuitively, often inspired by the serenity I find in meditation. These colors evoke a sense of peace, inviting viewers to pause, breathe, and connect with their inner stillness.

Color as a Healing Tool

Color has long been recognized for its therapeutic potential. According to research on chromotherapy, different colors can influence our emotions and mental states, aiding in healing and balance. For instance, blues and greens promote relaxation and tranquility, while warmer colors like reds and oranges can energize and uplift the spirit. This ancient practice of using colors for healing, dating back to Egypt, India, and China, underscores the profound impact that colors can have on our overall well-being​​.

Chromotherapy (1), or color therapy, involves using colors to achieve good health and treat certain diseases. The body is an outward expression of the mind, soul, and spirit; therefore, healing techniques that incorporate the entire energy field of the individual tend to be more effective. This holistic approach, which includes mental, spiritual, and physical healing, demonstrates how deeply intertwined color and wellness are​​.

Meditation: The Heartbeat of My Art

Meditation is the heartbeat of my artistic practice. Meditation allows me to find the clarity and inspiration needed to create. This practice allows me to tap into a deeper state of consciousness, where ideas flow freely, and creation becomes a meditative process.

In my studio, meditation serves as both a starting point and a sanctuary. Before beginning a new piece, I reflect quietly, centering myself and connecting with my creative energy. This practice infuses my work with a sense of calm and intention, making each piece a manifestation of my inner journey.


I invite you to explore my latest works and join me in exploring color and serenity. Let us find beauty in stillness and strength in imperfections as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the human experience together.

Shown Here: Color Field Paintings

  1. Sembian, N., & Aathi, M. K. (2016). Chromo Therapy: Healing Power of Colors. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 5(4), 6-12. DOI:10.26634/jnur.5.4.4811. Retrieved from


Exploring the Healing Power of Red and Orange: A Chakra-Based Approach.