Exploring the Healing Power of Red and Orange: A Chakra-Based Approach.

Hi Again!

Hello again, Akron! I'm Michael Clingerman, a color field painter and meditation practitioner. My work delves into the therapeutic power of colors, and today, I want to explore how my watercolor pieces, particularly in red, can be used as powerful meditation tools for healing the Root Chakra.

The First Chakra and the Color Red

The first chakra, also known as the Root Chakra or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with red, symbolizing life force, grounding, and stability. This chakra governs our sense of security, survival, and basic needs. Balancing can bring a profound sense of grounding and physical vitality.

Photo Credit: rishikeshyttc.com

Using My Watercolor Art for Meditation

I invite you to use my red watercolor piece as a meditation tool. This artwork is designed to evoke the vibrant energy of the Root Chakra and can assist in your healing journey. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your meditation practice:

  1. Setting the Space: Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably without distractions. Place the watercolor piece in front of you at eye level.

  2. Deep Breathing: Begin with deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this for a few minutes to center yourself.

  3. Visualization: Gaze softly at the watercolor piece. Allow your eyes to take in the shades of red, noticing the transitions and the intensity of the color. Visualize a red light at the base of your spine, growing stronger with each breath, connecting you to the earth.

  4. Emotional Connection: As you meditate, focus on the emotions associated with the Root Chakra. These can include feelings of safety, security, and stability but also fear, anxiety, and instability. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, acknowledging their presence without judgment.

  5. Affirmations: Incorporate affirmations that resonate with the Root Chakra. Phrases like "I am grounded," "I am safe," "I trust the process of life," and "I am connected to the earth" can reinforce the healing process.

  6. Closing the Session: Conclude your meditation by expressing gratitude for the time spent nurturing your Root Chakra. Take a few moments to reflect on any shifts in your emotions or physical sensations.

The Healing Power of Red in Chromotherapy

In chromotherapy, red is recognized for its ability to stimulate and energize. It can help combat lethargy and feelings of being ungrounded. By focusing on the red hues in my watercolor piece, you can tap into these energizing properties, restoring balance to your Root Chakra.

Combining the principles of chromotherapy with chakra meditation can amplify the benefits of both practices. The red in my watercolor piece serves as a visual anchor, helping you to connect more deeply with the grounding energies of the Root Chakra.


Art and meditation offer profound pathways to healing and self-discovery. By using my red watercolor piece as a meditation tool, you can explore and heal the emotions associated with the Root Chakra. I invite you to engage with my artwork and experience the transformative power of color.


Beyond Decoration: The Therapeutic Power of Color-Field Art at Home.


Color Field Paintings as healing tools?