NEW WORKS - 2023-2024 | Oil-based clay is used to cast resin and bronze.

Artist Statement Oil-based clay is used to cast resin and bronze.

In this body of work, I explore the devolution of the human spirit through the symbolic forms of ghosts, bunny rabbits, and pigs. Ghosts, with their duality of playfulness and intimidation, serve as metaphors for various human personas, reflecting the impact of external forces on our spirit. Continue.

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The Artling Gallery

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An observation deck was created from recycled materials to honor the outlands.

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In this work, I explore the complex interplay between attention and listening.

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In this body of works, I’m exploring emotion and its color association on canvas for larger pieces.

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NEW for 2024 - This body of work is an extension of the color field studies focused on tied emotion in medium to large size, done with speedball inks on large rolls of paper.

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NEW for 2022 - Michael's geometric paintings explore the intersection of optical illusion, meditation, and visual perception. Inspired by his experiences with extended gaze practices during Buddhist meditation sessions in Berkeley, these works delve into the fascinating realm of how our eyes and brain process visual information over time.

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This body of Color Field paintings, created in watercolors and speedball inks on cold-pressed paper, embodies a meditative approach to healing through color therapy. Each piece, carefully crafted in small dimensions, serves as a visual balm for emotional traumas such as PTSD and anxiety, offering viewers a pathway to serenity and inner peace.

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Past works. In wood, stone, and bronze.

Past Works in wood, stone, and bronze.

Over the years, I’ve enjoyed exploring forms in many different media. One of my favorite mediums is wood, and its many types include reclaimed wood, marble, and bronze. In 2023-2024, my current focus is on sculpting.

Please contact directly for sales.

Join our Ohio Sculpture & Art Group on Facebook on Fine Art in the North Ohio area. It’s free to join! Events coming.


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“I love exploring and finding the form within stone and clay.

~ Michael Clingerman